Easy To Use - Medi-Pals kid-friendly oral medication dispensers are familiar and fun for the infant, toddler or child and easy for the caregiver to use.
Ensures Complete Dosing - It is softer than a straight oral dispenser, and the oral dispenser sits snugly in the nipple, so no medicine gets lost or stuck to the sides.
Accurate - the caregiver is in complete control of dosage.
Prevents Gag Reflex - The diverter on the nipple fans the medicine to the sides, not straight to the back of the child's throat, to minimize the child's reflexes.
Interchangeable Faceplates - The nipple and interchangeable faceplates are easy to assemble and take apart.
Can be used with oral vitamins, pain relievers and oral antibiotics.
Includes three syringes, three nipples and three faceplates (Lady Bug, Crab and Frog).