Product Description: What makes Ergobaum Crutches so efficient is the new patented proven technology and extra features to help patients that other crutches lack! Ergobaum sets an entirely new standard unmatched anywhere at any price. The Ergobaum Ergonomic Rebound Shock Absorber Crutches make walking on crutches experience easier and much more comfortable than ever before.
Product ""Unique"" Features:Shock Absorbers that reduce impact! Takes away all the ""Pain"" Associated with walking on crutches. Equipped with Ergoactive's Spring Loaded Shock Absorber Patented Technology, Spring Loaded legs that reduce impact with the ground, a Four-legged ""Extra Balance"" Ergocap High Pergormance Crutch Tip, Safety Features (Night Light, Horn, & Safety Reflectors), Built-In Knee Rest Platform,Forearm Strap & Cup, and the first crutch with an Adjustable Cushion Grip
Product Adjustable Features: Fully adjustable height and arm length to properly fit 99% of all users 3'9’’ to 5’ up to 250lbs. Ergobaum Crutches are the first forearm crutches in the world with full adjustability of the grip handle position.
Product Testimonials: The product has been used and approved for its immediate positive impact on the recovery process of the user. It has been tested by thousands of patients, Including King of Spain Juan Carlos I who recovered with the help of these crutches for over three years after multiple hip and knee surgeries.
Product Innovation: Latest generation Ergobaum crutches created by a surgeon. Stronger than Ever. Finally, a comfortable, fully adjustable crutch designed to make people's lives easier during recovery.