The X12 monitor features a high-resolution, stunning ultra-slim colored screen design and has expandability of essential parameters, as per the clinical requirements
It has a 12.1" display with NIBP, SPO2, ECG, and temperature functions plus touch display, printer, and additional Edan G2 CO2 module
Due to the no-fan design, the energy consumption is minimized, and the monitor could work as long as 8 hours only with battery support
Includes various communication capabilities, including HL7, LAN, built-in Wi-Fi, Nurse Call, and Defibrillator Synchronization, making it simple to communicate with hospital information systems
Comes standard with adult BP cuff (MDSCUFFA) and tubing (MDSBPTUBEVSM), adult SpO2 sensor (MDSSPO2ADULT), 3-lead ECG cable, adult skin temp probe, mounting plate, printer (MDSPRINTERX), CO2 module, and power cord while rolling stand (MDSVSMSTAND01) is sold separately